Lettersbyx Boudoir: About me


Jose Alemanletters by x boudoir | chandler phoenix scottsdale tempe Gilbert Arizona

Jose Aleman

Hey, my name is Jose! I started this business because capturing the right moment in photography and art has always been a timeless and fulfilling pursuit for me. I’m working towards moving away from my day-to-day job in order to pursue this passion. As a result, I will be free to pour all of my time and heart into shooting and editing beautiful work. In the spare moments I find in between, I also enjoy the art of music through playing guitar as well as relaxing with my cat, Niko.

The Boudoir Journey

Many of us seek validation from others but never look to ourselves to take a minute to appreciate ourselves. Well, I'm here to help you appreciate you. Boudoir is empowering: body, mind, and soul. It reminds you that even though in your everyday life you may not always feel sexy and beautiful, you are a show stopper! You are perfect, and it's time for you to see that. Boudoir is much more than photographs in lingerie. It is a journey. It's changing the way you think of yourself and learning to see the best in yourself. It's knowing you're imperfect and realizing that's what makes you perfect. It's conquering your fears and letting it all go and believing in yourself. I am here to help you on the journey to falling in love with yourself, and probably, drop a few jaws in the process.

Why I shoot boudoir

Never did I think, especially when I was younger and a lot more shy, that I would find a form of photography that lets me be extremely creative and be able to impact women in believing in their worth, their strength, and their beauty  .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     In a world were information is seen and forgotten in an instant, I strive to create individual art for every women that feels confident in herself to step through my doors and allow me to capture a beautiful moment that will last forever -letters by x

You deserve it !

So now it’s your turn. This is your chance to take a leap of faith and believe that you are worth it. You have earned this experience and you truly deserve it. Now is the perfect time to see what power and raw beauty you have hidden just underneath the surface. I cannot wait for you to see what you’re capable of.

Boudoir is an amazing experience that gives you permission to be yourself. Fun, exciting, sexy, romantic and everything else you can’t put into words. Turn off that nagging voice in your head and say hello. I would love to hear from you !

What does Letters by X mean?

So how did I come up with the name? It’s been two years, so let’s see what I can remember...
My journey with photography has grown and evolved as I have, and with it my desire and recognition of “the right shot” has as well. 
When most people think of photography, what comes to mind is often cookie cutter poses (I mean, who doesn’t know what “prom pose” is?), cookie cutter outfits, cookie cutter makeup and settings; in essence the client walks away with a cookie cutter image that they feel they could have googled and pulled off of any generic website or stock photo album. 
Letters by X aims to shoot for something different (pun intended). Together with my clientele, I don’t look to shoot “Perfect Picture Poses” but instead aim to capture Picture Perfect Moments in time that my client can take with them, not as some photo but, as a memory of that moment in time where they were free to express anything and any part of them that helps them shine through. 
I don’t want my clients to look at a photo and remember me behind the camera but rather, I’d like them to look at a photo and experience it as ethereal, personal, and intimate as their own memory or flashback. This is why I named my business Letters by X.
It is not my memory to sell or my whims or interests that create the beauty of the picture but rather those of (X) my one and only client of the moment who is as unique and individualistic as the art they will help me to create. X is the viewer, the memory, the story either told or untold that will unfold when the time comes. It is told shot by shot, and letter by letter a faithful translation of (X)’s passion be that a personal relationship or their dream fantasy. The picture is not to accomplish my personal goals or agenda, but rather to accomplish defining the connection between client and the person in the image. 
In working and journeying through the world of boudoir, X gains the opportunity to bring out and proudly claim their inner and outer beauty in a visual and lasting form. Capturing this moment allows you to create and tell your story of where you are at this certain point in time and hints at all of potential you have moving forward. It is a celebration of your life, no matter what stage that may be, and it is a celebration which you can keep forever to look back on and relive. 
Whether it be a good memory or a bad one, it will be a memory which you can forevermore look back to and reflect on. It will be a memory that enables you to not only recognize all of the growth, strength, struggle and endurance you have shown but also a celebration of how you and your story have blossomed and made the world a more beautiful place. 
It is and always will be a letter by you, to you.


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